A new year, a new dawn, as someone recently said to me. He’s right; forget the unnecessary pressures of resolutions in 2020. Gone are the needs to fulfil certain requirements, however we may wish to re balance ourselves following an end of year (Christmas) excess. This might be achieved in a series of ways. Today we’ll look into this in more detail.

Treasuring this one body of ours. Like a car which we have only once in life. Then we would perhaps take more care of it. Our physical body may compare to a car, we need a periodic physical and mental review and check up, to keep us going; on track. An MOT points to the longevity of the vehicle whilst similarly, a clinical consultation may pinpoint areas which need additional support and highlight ways to achieve this, simply and importantly, affordably. This body of ours deserves our renewed attention.
Ethical Veganism is in the headlines. this past week has been extraordinary in the media. A landmark ruling on ITV News shows that it is unlawful to discriminate an employee for refusing to wear goods derived from animals’ form or consume animal products. More options than ever in dining.
A 1hr 30 mins (max) Nutritional Therapy consultation costs between £50-£65.00
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- International consultations via skype or telephone.
Call Theresa 07734166738
(Free initial 10 mins)