
My Yoga roots…

I have been practicing Yoga since I was in my very early teens, as a way to keep focused, gain confidence; in myself and actual physical self and also to take my mind into a ‘different place’. Part of understanding and learning about the great ‘Who am I’? Which is often our main question …


To feel happy, as an active antidote to worry (mental engagement) Yoga takes us away from our ‘minds’ with it’s worries or concerns and actively encourages us to breath and be more in the ‘present moment’. This worry often leads us, in the West, at least to try to ‘solve’ these areas in ways which may be unhelpful…  through an excess eg. of drugs, alcohol, other activity. We are searching for our inner calm. Rather that resort to another method or potentially medication, I’d prefer to sit, in my Lotus position, with ‘souls\soles’ of the feet facing the sky and ingest a moment or several, of quiet. It is a nice scenario to be in. Use it to bring us back into a better sense of balance, from a place of dis-quiet.

From this state, regain a sense of happiness. I use Yoga to make me feel more happy; I am a happier person as a result of practicing my moves and breath, in combination. Yoga works for me and many others and enables us to connect  in this way.

What’s the point?

Part of the point of Yoga is in discerning our mind, from our non-mind (that which is not, our mind!) The peace felt during this time is palpable and hence, why we continue to self-support in this way.

An inward activity

Yoga is an inward practice; it not a social activity in itself, so it is also a good idea (I find) to indulge in other creative activities and to enjoy other more social practices eg. dancing 5 Rhythms, conscious or ecstatic dance groups, as well as the more traditional styles of ‘stepped dances’ eg. Ballet, Salsa, Jive etc.

With deep and grateful thanks to my own advanced \ mature teachers inc. Zoe Knot, Simon Lowe, Bernard Vandenbosche & of course, Terry R. 🙂

Contact Theresa for more specific details on teaching One-to-One sessions, retreats and specific classes and parties for children:

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