Theresa shares a cup of Chinese and English teas to strengthen the immune system, minus caffeine, with Chinese lecturer Hui (Grace). Comforting, scented and Hydrating; Local Infusions and international teas, are soothing to our mind, body and soul during the covid19 restriction period. We’re enjoying the simple pleasures in life.
Month: June 2020
Nature Walks in June
Most of the seeds sown have germinated with the exception of lettuces; what to do with all these peppers! It’s soon give away time again.

The heat is on for a Tuesday socially distanced Walk for health; today we decided to take shade under the trees and From 11.30am-12.30pm practice a yoga routine with a meditation and play, by one of the trees.
We witness nature at first hand; relaxing under the boughs with our feet resting against the trunk. Birds are becoming more familiar and closer; male blackbirds, resting in the branches, field fares nibbling the flower buds, a robin, bees and a dragonfly darts about. We strengthen and develop our core balance with a variation of tree poses and swung safely in the branches.
Afterwards we found the bounteous Elderflowers around the outskirts of the park and began collecting, With the view in mind to leave any unopened buds to allow for pollination. This is extremely important, don’t pick them all! Take only what’s necessary for a drink. Nettle tips and seeds plus Linden blossom have begun to open and it’s perfect timing for these delicately scented flowers to add into a soothing drink; this feels like a warm hug in a mug!
More next week, for walks, yoga and seasonal foraging with myself, Steven and new Polish local gardener Pavil in Forster Park from 10.30am for an hour or more.
It’s always informative to hear the Live and recorded vegan organic network gardeners question time On Tuesday nights.
Other visits to arrange: Kew Gardens is open with a booking system in place.