Monday nights will never be the same again! Since the introduction of the SLBI talks, lead by the local experts. This week was the final session in the season and we held a quiz ‘Guess the fungi’ which was more of an invitation to discover more about the world of fungi through researching in the manly books and asking pertinent questions. Much like a game of ‘Guess Who’ from the 1980’s, except instead of asking questions surrounding features “does your person have a moustache/wear glasses” it’s a question of defining fungus features! Identification through key features: the spire colour (from spore prints/gills), Gill formation, The Cap colour and texture or design, the feel to touch, size: height, cap width and diameter, Stipe (stem) length, base size and The area /favoured location; where it grows.
hence 3.5 hrs later I’d identified approx 10 mushrooms and as a group, we’d identified approx 25 species. A foraging walk is planned in mid December.