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A Sustainable Lent; a time for giving up of excess consumption

Last week, we taught in school the concept of making pancakes for Shrove Tuesday (& as it transpired, also, on Ash Wednesday), as the tradition of using up simple ingredients to prepare for 40 days of fasting during Lent. Much conversation and pancake making (& eating) ensued x 25 vegan pancakes infact; all made using egg replacer powder and a dairy-free / soya milk. Served with fresh fruit & jam, as Stillness is a #Sugarsmart registered school and we had happy kids.

At home, we made a fresh chocolate dessert *NaturalNutella to serve on more pancakes for our house dinner, minus palm oil, using fresh hazel nuts, cocoa, dates, avocado and bananas: happy housemates.

At the WEN International Women’s Day 30th Anniversary celebration we each sewed a bunting flag with a political message; Butterflies without borders (relating to freedom of migration). I learnt how to blanket stitch on a patch (which will come in handy, I dare say).

At the Vegan Life Show at Alexandra Palace on Saturday I decided to part with tradition and not purchase any additional types of the delicious Yogi Tea; simply tasting them was sufficient.

I resisted buying extra dinners with the delicious Clives pies (gluten free) and instead purchased 5 x large jars of coconut oil, for all our skincare culinary and skin care needs.

Clothing: Buying organic cotton/hemp/bamboo new, quality clothing means that over the years, I’ve collected at least half a dozen pretty long sleeved hemp tops. Each ranging between 2-6 yrs old by now. My purple top is currently a favourite and alas, I spotted a hole on a sleeve and have promised myself to sew up by turning up the cuffs on both sleeves, as they were a little long anyhow.

Approx 7 yrs ago I discovered the softness and warmth of eco-friendly Tights; multi-colours and mainly organic cotton. Similarly, I’ve bought a single pair per year and now have rainbow coloured legs for all seasons. Until I noticed holes in both the brown and pale grey pairs! A needle and thread later and the grey pair may last another few wears (& washes) whilst the brown pair is destined for a new life through upcyling as they are still lovely and soft but might suit a cushion liner instead.

On Saturday I dug out some old Jewellery from my favourite wooden box and discovered a multitude of carefully stored items from my teens during 80s-90s. Taking them out, I’m going to re-purpose and wear a few of them.

For a Party on Saturday, I made up a batch of 5 herb inc. 3 cornered leek Wild herbal dressing for gifts.

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